Trung Dao

Paper recap: A disciplined approach to neural network hyper-parameters: Part 1

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A disciplined approach to neural network hyper-parameters: Part 1

Lesli N.Smith, 2018

Research Topic

  • Category (General): Deep Learning.
  • Category (Specific): Hyperparameters Tuning.

Paper summary

  • Introduce techniques to set some essential hyper-parameters such as: learning rate, batch size, momentum, weight decay.
  • How to examine training/ test loss curve for clues of underfitting, overfitting.
  • Introduce a new method of cyclical learning rate: 1cycle policy.
  • Discuss about cyclical momentum, cyclical weight decay.
  • Produce multiples examples to show the importance of balanced regularization for each dataset/ architecture.

Explain Like Iโ€™m 5 (ELI5) ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ

  • Not necessary since this paper mostly tackle best pratices while working on projects.

Issues addressed by the paper

  • Grid-search is computationally expensive and time consumming. But a good choice of hyper-parameters is vital for a model to perform well, so how to do grid-search efficiently?
  • Underfitting/ overfitting trade-off.
  1. Learning rate:
    • Too small: overfitting can occur.
    • Too large: can have regularize but will diverge.
  2. Batch size:
    • Suggest that when we comparing batch size, neither maintaining constant #epochs (train the same #epochs for each batch size) nor constant #iterations (train the same #iterations/epoch each batch size) is appropriate:
      • constant #epochs:
        • Computationally efficient, but penalized more since we see a big proportion of samples each time.
      • constant #iterations:
        • Overfit will occur.
    • Batch size directly affect computational time.
  3. Momentum:
    • Momentum and learning rate are closely related and its optimal values are dependent on each other.
    • Momentumโ€™s effect on updating the weights is of the same magnitude as the learning rate (used SGD with momentum equation to verify).
  4. Weight decay:
    • Weight decay is one form of regularization and it plays an important role in training so its value needs to be set properly.



  • 1cycle policy:
    • Instead of cyclical learning rate using triangular as the previous post, the author suggest to:
      1. Train all epochs in more than one cycle just a small proportion.
      2. In the remaining iterations, the learning rate will decline from base_lr to several orders of magnitude less.
    • Experiments show that this policy allows the accuracy to plateau before the training ends.
  • The author show these 6 remarks after multiple researchs and experiments:
    1. The test/validation loss is a good indicator of the networkโ€™s convergence and should be examined for clues.
      • Look at the loss curve and also plot generalization error curve (valid_loss - train_loss), one can determine whether the architechture has the capacity to overfit or has too small learning rate (which also leads to overfit)
    2. Achieving the horizontal part of the test loss is the goal of hyperparameter tuning. under_over_plot
      • The horizontal part is the red line.
    3. The amount of regularization must be balanced for each dataset and architecture.
    4. The practitionerโ€™s goal is obtaining the highest performance while minimizing the needed computational time.
    5. Optimal momentum value(s) will improve network training.
    6. Since the amount of regularization must be balanced for each dataset and architecture, the value of weight decay is a key knob to turn for tuning regularization against the regularization from an increasing learning rate.

Best practices


  1. Learning rate:
    • Use learning rate range test to find the minimum and maximum learning rate boundaries:
      • Maximum learning rate bound: the maximum value that the model can still converge
      • Minumum learning rate bound:
        1. \(\frac{1}{3};\frac{1}{4}\) of max bound.
        2. \(\frac{1}{10};\frac{1}{20}\) of max bound if using 1cycle.
    • Use 1cycle policy to achive super-convergence (reachs global optima with iterations much less than regulars).
    • Other regularization methods must be reduced to compensate for the regularization effects of large learning rates.
  2. Batch size:
    • Small batch sizes add regularization, large batch sizes add less; utilize this while balancing the proper amount of regularization.
    • Often better to use a larger batch size so a larger learning rate can be used (leads to using a larger batch size when using the 1cycle learning rate schedule).
  3. Momentum:
    • Short runs with momentum values of 0.99, 0.97, 0.95, and 0.9 will quickly show the best value for momentum.
    • If use 1cycle policy, should use cyclical momentum starting at maximum momentum value and decreasing to a value of 0.8 or 0.85 (performance is almost independent of the minimum momentum value).
    • Decreasing cyclical momentum when the learning rate increases provides an equivalent result to the best constant momentum value.
    • Using cyclical momentum along with the LR range test stabilizes the convergence when using large learning rate values more than a constant momentum does.
  4. Weight decay:
    • Should be a constant value.
    • Should use grid search to find a proper value; validation loss early in the training is sufficient for determining a good value.
    • Another option as a grid search for weight decay is to make a single run at a middle value for weight decay and save a snapshot after the loss plateaus. Use this snapshot to restart runs, each with a different value of WD. This can save time in searching for the best weight decay.
    • A complex dataset requires less regularization so test smaller weight decay values, such as \(10^{โˆ’4}, 10^{โˆ’5}, 10^{โˆ’6}, 0\)
    • A shallow architecture requires more regularization so test larger weight decay values, such as \(10^{โˆ’2}, 10^{โˆ’3}, 10^{โˆ’4}\).
    • The optimal weight decay is different if you search with a constant learning rate versus using a learning rate range.

Hidden gems๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž


  • Test loss decreases more rapidly during the initial iterations and is then horizontal is an early positive clue indicating that the model will produce a better final accuracy. (Blue curve)
  • Learning rates that are too small can exhibit some overfitting behavior.
  • There is a maximum speed the learning rate can increase without the training becoming unstable.
  • The very large learning rates provided the twin benefits of regularization that prevented overfitting and faster training of the network.
  • Set momentum as large as possible without causing instabilities during training.
  • Momentum range test is not useful for finding an optimal momentum, you should use grid search.
  • Decreasing the momentum while the learning rate increases provides three benefits (by experiments):
    1. a lower minimum test loss.
    2. faster initial convergence.
    3. greater convergence stability over a larger range of learning rates.
  • Large momentum helps escape saddle points but can hurt the final convergence, implying that momentum should be reduced at the end of training.
  • A good procedure is to test momentum values in the range of 0.9 to 0.99.
  • All the general ideas can apply to shallow or deep networks, although the details (i.e., specific values for momentum) varied.



  • As the experiment shown, if one can find optimal values for these hyper-parameters, the model would achieve super-convergence, which saves computational cost and time.


  • These disciplines are not proved but mostly achieved by experiments. So we can only use this as a guide and apply it to our projects.

Confusing aspects of the paper

  • Very straightforward, confusing-free.



Would read again.

My conclusion

  • Good workflow to deal with hyper-parameters.
  • Can be use as a reference when start a new projects.

Paper implementation


Cited references and used images from:

  • Lesli N.Smith, 2018

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